Friday, 21 December 2012

Vitiligo and life

Vitiligo is an important skin disorder in which milky white patches appears on different part of body, usually on face, arms, legs, neck etc. these whitish patches seems very bad. Living with vitiligo sometimes is very difficult, no doubt vitiligo has number o disorder but the most important disease is depression. First of all we discuss how vitiligo develops and how vitiligo ruins your life and in the end is it curable.

Vitiligo is autoimmune disorder in which our auto immune system takes pigments as invaders and attack on them, makes them weaken or destroyed them in result they are unable to produce  melanocytes  that are responsible for coloration of skin . Why this happen is challenge for medical specialist. However several causes are considered as causes of depigmentation as:
  1. An autoimmune disorder - the patient's immune system becomes overactive, and destroys the melanocytes 
  2. Immense stress
  3. Genetic oxidative stress imbalance
  4. Exposure to certain chemicals
  5. A viral cause
  6. A neural cause
  7. Harm to the skin due to a critical sunburn or cut
Vitiligo has a great negative impact on life. Peoples having vitiligo hesitate to socialize themselves. Due to white patches on skin mostly people hesitate to develop relation with vitiligo patients. Several cases are observed in which patient hesitate to face peoples, they thought we are looking bad and listeners do not pay intention to them. Many cases are also seen in which patient broke his/her all social relation and leave their jobs. All situations in which patient boycotts society or society boycotts with them are conditions that lead a normal man towards depression and this will ruin their life.

Vitiligo is not curable disorder but recovery is possible by different methods, most famous of these methods is herbal method for vitiligo treatment. Many types of oils and tablets are available such as anti vitiligo herbal oil and vitiligo tabs. Herbal products are easy to applicable because herbal products are free from chemicals. More over surgical and medical therapies are not applicable on every part of body but herbal products are applicable to each and every part of body on every stage of vitiligo.

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